Dirt, Grime, Spills - now you see them, now you don’t!
The magic of QAR's Magic Shammy is in so much more than the name.
What else can you rely on to soak up spills, polish your car, spruce up your kitchen and clean and dry your muddy dog? If any product seems too good to be true this may just be it, but it’s magic has been proven!
Shammy is a phonetic spelling of Chamois - a porous leather, traditionally the skin of the chamois, a goat - like antelope native to the mountains of Europe and Asia Minor. Their skins produced a soft absorbent and non-abrasive leather, but today Chamois leather generally comes from sheep skin which is treated with marine oils to achieve the desired qualities. We commonly tend to associate the Chamois with streak-free window cleaning although it’s suitability for this purpose was discovered by chance, (or bonne chance!), in 18th century southern France. Glove manufacturers found that tanning the chamois leather with cod oil produced a unique softness and absorbency. The wearers of these gloves included footmen who were responsible for polishing carriages and were astounded by the streak-free, shining results. They would of course change from ‘cleaning gloves’ to ‘clean gloves’ for smart occasions and it was soon realised that cloths cut from this leather would make the ideal cleaning and polishing material. The special leather increased in popularity with the development of the motor-car, which of course needed a mist and smear free windscreen.
The specialty of this Chamois leather comes at a cost - to the animal, the environment and the consumer. Magically, it has been recreated in a way that costs less to all, without compromise on results, and even more versatility of use and ease of care. QAR’s Magic Shammy is a non-woven blend of viscose and polypropylene, machine washable, durable and with innumerable uses and benefits over other products on the market.
- No more expensive chamois leathers, paper towels, kitchen rolls or soggy sponges.
- Holds many times its own weight in water without dripping - again seems too good to be true, but can be proven!
- Does not crack or split on drying - it dries like a soft duster.
- Cuts into any shape without fraying or tearing.
- Hundreds of uses around the home and garden - cleaning, drying, capillary mat for plants, towel for your pets, buffer for polishing glass, the list goes on!
Imagine coming in from a lovely long dog walk. Your dog is muddy and wet, happy, tail wagging and mud splattering everywhere. What do you reach for? QAR’s Magic Shammy! Wash the mud off your dog with one large cloth which can be easily rinsed and wrung out, dry your dog with the same soft touch and clean up the mess he has splattered around with, you guessed it, the Magic Shammy. Wash it at a low temperature to be environmentally friendly or a higher temperature to get rid of any germs lurking from the dirty cleaning jobs. Stress free, clutter free and so easy to use - and that just the beginning of what QAR’s Magic Shammy can do to make your life easier.
Call us at QAR to discuss your requirements or click link to order